
About Me

Just a Little about Me........

For those who don't know me, my name is Michelle Voigt, and I carry the titles of Mom, Wife, Aunt, Sister, Friend  and Photographer.

Hi Y’all! I’m Michelle! I am a southern girl with a big smile!  I love to laugh, I live for family time, I have an obsession with shoes (like most girls I’m sure!) and I always buy more than I should. I live for days surrounded by my huge crazy family; I laugh uncontrollably and snort more than I would like to admit. I am a craft hoarder, especially after I have been on Pinterest, and I love Dr. Pepper, its like my water!

I am a mother of two handsome boys who are the light of my life and one funny beautiful daughter that I laugh with every day. A husband who has been very supportive, and loving!
I believe that having fun and living life to the fullest is the key to happiness.

- Michelle 

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